Nyasa YogaTM Healing

Nyasa YogaTM Healing is a part of Integrated Spiritual Healing. It is a very ancient system of Spiritual Healing, the origins of which are steeped in western and Eastern Mysticism.


lT. Dr. B.P. Sahi

Founder Director:
Institute of Healing and Alternative Therapy

M.A. (Psy.) Gold medalist, DMS (Hons), G.M.
D.H.M.S. (Hons). D.P.H. (U.K.)
Spiritual Grand Master
Reiki Master
Karuna Reiki Master

Ex. Clinical Psychotherapist

Department of Psychiatry, P.M.C.H., Patna

Founder Member:

The World Foundation for Natural Medicine (U.K.)


The White Rose Foundation (U.K.)


• Reiki Association of Patna
• Patna Reiki Club

Dr. B. P. Sahi revealed this system for the first time 36 years ago. He has been in touch with Great Sadhaks, and Spiritual Healers since his very childhood days. He began his Sadhana at the age of 10 and was qualified to teach as Master by the age of 35. But all these years he kept a low profile, but by the inspiration, insistence and guidance of Dr.Ramakant. K. Keni of Bombay Hospital an internationally known spiritual Healer. Dr. Sahi began to teach, train and Heal people from 1985 in his institute of which he is the founder Director.

Nyasa YogaTM

Nyasa Surya Yoga

Nyasa Navagraha Yoga

Reiki - I

Reiki - II

Reiki - III


Healing Minute

Join us every night at 10 P.M. in silent prayer for the HEALING of all those who are suffering from any disease or pain-mental or physical. Our combined effort and prayer generates the energy for HEALING MINUTE or AROGYAKSHAN

Nyas YogaTM healing

Nyasa YogaTM Healing is a part of Integrated Spiritual Healing. It is a very ancient system of Spiritual Healing, the origins of which are steeped in western and Eastern Mysticism. The technique is non secaterian and non-denominational and can be used by the followers of any religion or even by atheists for personal growth and development so that all the inherent power hidden in human being can be utilized for any good purpose. In this system fifty energy centers of our body are fully activated for complete transformation & fulfillment.


Reiki is a holistic method of treatment for total relaxation & stress release and self treatment for mind body and soul, absentee healing and professional practice.

Reiki is very simple yet powerful technique that can be easily learnt by any one in a two-day work-shop under the guidance of a Reiki Master. There are Four stages in Reiki. In Reiki you are able to give touch Healing, Reiki II you are able to give Distant Healing also. In Reiki IIIA & IIIB you are able to teach Reiki to others.